Saturday, September 4, 2010

P&G to beef up sales in developing countries

An interesting article from last month in Brandchannel, discussing P&G's new focus on developing its business and product portfolio in developing markets, such as Brazil:

In Brazil, for example, a country in which people "take more showers, use more hair conditioner and brush their teeth more often" than consumers in other countries, P&G's products are a natural fit — yet the company has badly lagged behind competitors Colgate and Unilever. P&G's strategy there is to introduce new products in several categories simultaneously, leveraging its promotional dollars by doing joint marketing campaigns. It's a different way of doing business for P&G — usually, it markets each brand separately."

Although somewhat late in their recognition to focus on developing markets such as Brazil, P&G won't be the only one allocating greater resources to the BRIC's. I am curious to see the innovation which originates in these markets where consumer demands for new products will no doubt increase in correlation to their growing disposable income.

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